
0422-43-0700 WEB予約
※土曜午後は16:30 まで




Medical Departments 診療科目

  • Outpatient Department: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Urology, Dermatology, Anal Surgery
    外来診療部:内科 外科 泌尿器科 皮膚科 肛門外科
  • Home Visiting Medical Care Department

Services Provided 対応している診療内容

  • Fever outpatient (phone reservation required)
    (Covid-19/Influenza) Antigen Test (approximately 4,000 yen (30%) with prescription), PCR Test (approximately 8,000 yen (30%) with a prescription).(Streptococcal infection)PCR Test(approximately free (≦15y/o city policy)or 8,000 yen (30%) with a prescription).
    Note: Prescriptions for Covid-19 will only be given out if the test result is positive
    発熱外来(電話予約が必要です): 抗原検査(処方箋発行込みで4000円程度:3割)、PCR検査(処方箋発行込みで8000円程度:3割)、溶連菌検査(適応は15歳以下。市の医療券お持ちの方は無料)

★Outpatient Department 外来診療部

 Internal medicine

Lifestyle Medicine 生活習慣病
  • Treatment and Healthy Lifestyle Counseling (Hypertension, Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, Chronic Kidney Disease, Hyperuricemia, Metabolic Syndrome)

Medical Checkup / Vaccinations (phone reservation required)
健康診断 / 予防接種:(健診と予防接種は事前電話予約が必要です)

Medical Checkup 健康診断

 For Mitaka citizen wish to have medical checkup, please bring along the Medical Checkup Form issued by the Mitaka City Hall

  • Health Service of Mitaka City (FOC for seniors aged 65 and above)
  • Cancer Screenings (Screening for Gastric cancer, Colorectal cancer, Lung cancer, Prostate cancer etc. are FOC, please check the city’s official website). 
  • Employment Medical Checkup (25,000 yen): Includes height, weight, blood pressure, waist circumference, vision, hearing (machine method), electrocardiogram, X-ray, blood tests (Blood calculation, AST, ALT, LDH, γGTP, TG, HDL, LDL, TC, HbA1C, BS, BUN, creatinine, Na, K, Cl, urine test), and other additional checkup at an extra cost.
  • Medical checkup for residence of retirement home: Fixed fee of 50,000 yen (includes antigen or Covid-19 PCR testing)

Vaccinations 予防接種

  1. Pneumococcal Vaccine (10,000 yen/dose, every 5 years)
    ▶ Deaths due to pneumonia among the elderly are high in Japan, therefore measurements and preventions are necessary. (Please check the city’s official website for information on partial subsidies for the pneumococcal vaccine for eligible individuals.)
  2. HPV (Cervical Cancer) Vaccine (2-valent at 16,000 yen/dose, 4-valent at 20,000 yen/dose, 9-valent at 40,000 yen/dose, 3 doses required)
    ▶ The number of women with cervical cancer among those of childbearing age exceeds 100 per 100,000 people. Among Japanese women, cervical cancer ranks fifth in terms of cancer incidence (2019), highlighting the urgent need for nationwide cancer prevention efforts. (Please check the city’s official website for information on partial subsidies for the HPV vaccine for eligible individuals.)
  3. Rubella Vaccine (10,000 yen/dose)
    ▶The condition associated with rubella that occurs in newborns during childbirth is referred to as Congenital Rubella Syndrome. The country and municipal governments are actively promoting preventive measures against Congenital Rubella Syndrome, and our clinic will also be addressing this issue. (Please check the city’s official website for information on partial subsidies for rubella testing and rubella vaccines.)
  4. Shingles Vaccine (Live Vaccine 10,000 yen/dose ; Inactivated Vaccine 22,000 yen/dose)
    ▶People over the age of 50 are known to have a high risk of developing shingles, and preventive measures are necessary. (Please check the city’s official website for information on partial subsidies for the shingles vaccine, which may vary depending on the eligible individuals.)

Dermatology and Surgery 皮膚科・外科

  • General dermatological treatment for conditions such as Atopic Dermatitis, Eczema, Tinea Pedis, Acne
  • Treatment of Corns, Calluses, and Common Warts with Cryotherapy (Freezing) or Salicylic Acid (Salve) + Surgical excision
  • Excision of skin and Subcutaneous Tumors
  • Incision and Drainage of Infected Epidermoid Cysts / Excision of Epidermoid Cysts
  • Treatment for ingrown nails
  • Ongoing Monitoring for Breast Cancer (Tokyo Metropolitan Collaborative Hospital for Cancer Treatment)

Anal Surgery 肛門外科

※Treatment for Perianal problems (Itchiness, Pain, Bleeding, etc.)

  • Treatment of Hemorrhoids (Piles: Internal, External, and Fissure) and Surgery
  • Excision of Anal Polyps
  • Excision of Anorectal Condyloma
  • Treatment for Constipation

Urology 泌尿科

  • Ongoing Monitoring for Prostate Cancer (Tokyo Metropolitan Collaborative Hospital for Cancer Treatment)
  • Treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
  • Overactive Bladder Treatment
  • Urinary Tract Stone Treatment

★Home Visiting Medical Care Department  訪問診療部

Entrusted by the City of Mitaka, Takayama Clinic is in a collaboration with the local Community-based Integrated Care System, to provides a home visiting medical care to the local community.

高山医院は地域包括ケア会議、ケアマネージャ専 門職会議、在宅ケアカンファレンスなど、三鷹市に委託された三鷹市医師会とともに地域のケアマネージメントに即した医療を展開しております。

Medical Collaboration 医療連携

About Medical Collaboration 医療連携について       

As your primary care provider in the community, we handle the treatment of various illnesses, from colds and lifestyle diseases to health consultations. If we determine that more advanced treatment is necessary, we will refer you to an affiliated hospital.


After-Hours Support 時間外の対応について

We have implemented an “After-Hours Support Surcharge” to improve the convenience of our regular patients. This service is available for emergency consultations during the following times:


  1. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: from the end of regular office hours until 10:00 PM/Saturday: from the end of office hours until 5:00 PM. (Note: Consultation fees, After-Hours Support Surcharge, and in-office triage surcharge will apply.)
    月・火・水・金曜日の診察終了時から午後10時まで  土曜日診療終了から午後5時まで(診察料・時間外対応加算・院内トリアージ加算等が発生致します)当院で院長が対応いたします。訪問診療等、不在時は時間がかかりますが折返し対応いたします
  2. Late nights and holidays other than① ①以外の深夜・休日
    You could visit Mitaka Chuo Hospital in case of any emergencies or in need of ant assistance
    5-23-10, Kamirenjaku, Mitaka-shi Tokyo
    Phone: 0422-44-6161
  3. In the case of emergencies or situations that cannot be addressed through the above methods, please consider the following options:  ①②で対応困難の場合
    – Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Institution Information Service (Himawari)
    Phone: 03-5272-0303
    – Tokyo Fire Department Emergency Consultation Center
    Phone: 0425-21-2323 or #7119

Medical Prescriptionお薬の処方

About external medical prescriptions  院外処方について

For all patients who have been prescribed medication, we will be issuing external prescription forms. These prescriptions can be used at most pharmacies and are valid for up to 4 days from the issue date. Please be aware that after this period, they will become invalid.

※Please note that these prescriptions may not be covered by insurance, and self-payment is required if reissuing are required. 

※If you have any questions about external prescription forms, please feel free to consult us. 

 In-House Prescription 院内処方について

Certain specific medications, such as Viagra, are available by in-house prescription. If you wish to have an external prescription, please consult with us in advance.


 Lost or Excessive Use Of Medication くすりの紛失・過剰使用等について

In the case of lost or excessive use of prescribed medication, please contact us.

※Note that the same illness treatment and the same prescription cannot be covered by the medical insurance, and self-payment is required.


Prescription Duration and Quantity くすりの処方日数や量について

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare generally limits prescriptions to a maximum of 28 days, therefore we are unable to provide long-term prescriptions beyond this period, and we appreciate your understanding.


 Refill Prescriptions リフィル処方箋について

For stable patients with regular prescriptions remain unchanged for 3 months, if the pharmacy able to accommodate it, we are able to issue refill prescriptions.
